Noise Capture : An application to evaluate our sound environment

Back to the Festival Pop'Sciences May 2019 in La Duchère - Lyon
Lab#13 Noise Capture party

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Back to the festival Pop'Sciences May 2019 in La Duchère Lab#13 Noise Capture party Labex CeLyA – Unité Mixte de Recherche en Acoustique Environnementale IFSTTAR-CEREMA – Association Acoucité With the help of your smartphone, search for the sounds around you and establish a participatory mapping of the Duchère's sound environment. From the age of 16........

Faced with the multiplication of pollution sources, the search for a quality sound environment has long been a priority at European level. Large cities are now required to draw up action plans based on noise maps.

In this context, Ifsttar and CNRS have joined forces to develop an innovative solution that places people and their smartphones at the heart of the assessment of their sound environment.

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présentation vidéo

The Noise Capture application allows each user to assess their noise exposure, describe their sound environment using keywords and then export all this information to a community database.

As in any participatory approach, the long-term involvement of participants is a crucial point. The animation of the community of data "producers" is a major challenge. Thus, Ifsttar and CNRS propose the organization of NoiseCapture Party, an event during which participants gather to calibrate their smartphones, discuss the measurement protocol and carry out measurements in an organized way on a given site.

Thanks to all the data collected, it is then possible to build more realistic noise maps, which can be consulted on the smartphone or online ( All the data produced is then transferred in an open manner (Open Data license), for the benefit of everyone but also of local authorities and other government services, which will thus be able to better understand the preservation of a quality sound environment.

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