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Le Francilophone - 1st semester 2024

Air traffic noise special - DEBATS research project (Discussion on the Health Effects of Aircraft Noise)
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Le Progres - 22/05/2022

does the voice of your colleagues interfere with your work in the open space
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INSIS-CNRS - 20/05/2021

Oscillating microbubbles to increase the permeability of cell membranes
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Cerveau et Psycho n° 132 - 15/04/2021

when music is good for the brain
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Libération -09/11/2020

"The sound can dive into the ocean and rise to the surface 60 kilometers away"
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Physics Today - 15/10/2020

How crocodiles locate sounds
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Animal Behaviour 166 (2020) p247-259

The genesis of giants: behavioural ontogeny of male northern elephant seals
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Futura Planète - 05/12/2019

Dogs understand human language better than we thought
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Acoustics today - Fall 2019 - P55 to P64

Non linear acoustics today
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Environnement, risques et santé - 09/10/2019 - P401 to 410

Aircraft noise and salivary cortisol in airport residents in France
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Le Progrès - 07/04/2019

Is it possible to produce quieter aircraft?
read the article here

Improving sound transmission loss at ring frequency of a curved panel using tunable 3D-printed small-scale resonators

Christophe Droz, Olivier Robin, Mohamed Ichchou and Noureddine Atalla
read the article here

Scilight 01/02/2019

Researchers accurately simulate noise created by supersonic jets
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La Croix 25/12/2018 - Christmas science

Why is everything quieter when the snow falls?
read the article here

Le Progres 22/06/2018

Why has the "bang" been so much talked about?
read the article here

Science et Vie n° 1206 March 2018 - Reader's letter

Does a white noise help concentration ?
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Lyon Capital 20/05/2018

"My thesis in 180 seconds" : "Identifying the noises that distract us"  Moira-Phoebe HUET CeLyA PhD, INSA Lyon
read the article here

L'Express (version éléctronique)18/05/2018

"Supersonique et super-silencieux"
read the article here

l'OBS flash matin reportage

"LabEx CeLyA à EcullyLabex CeLyA : pionnier de la recherche et de la formation en science acoustique"
read the article here

CNRS Le Journal 08/06/2017

Avion : la quête du moteur idéal

read the article here

prizes and medals

- 2023 Société Française d'Acoustique Medal - Christophe Bailly, Professor and Director of the LMFA, Ecole Centrale Lyon

- ASME fellow 2022 - Manuel Collet, Professeur LTDS Ecole Centrale Lyon

- Aeroacoustics award 2022 to Michel Roger professor at LMFA Ecole Centrale Lyon

- EAA Best Applied Contribution Award - e-Forum Acusticum 2020 : Maxime Fauconnier - INSERM LabTAU, LabEx CeLyA PhD - Université de Lyon
Deformations of megakaryocytes mechanically coupled with an ultrasound-driven microbubble

- Christophe Droz, winner of the 2020 Young Researcher Award
Christophe Droz defended his thesis: "High order wave guidance in composites: application to in-flight de-icing of helicopter blades" in 2015 at LTDS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon/LabEx CeLyA under the direction of Mohamed Ichchou.

- Aeroacoustics Award 2020 to Christophe Bailly, university professor and researcher in fluid mechanics and acoustics Director of the LMFA.

- 1st prize of the Synthetic Aperture Vector Flow Imaging challenge 2018 for Vincent Perrot (CREATIS PhD student)

- Thesis Prize 2018 of the Association Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser awarded to Bertrand Mercier

- 2017 Medal from the French Acoustics Society to Philippe Blanc-Benon, Director of the LMFA

- 2017 CEAS Aeroacoustics Prize awarded to Daniel Juvé, Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon

- 2016 CNRS silver medal awarded to Barbara Tillmann, cognitive science researcher

- 2011 Medal of the French Acoustical Society to Daniel Juvé, Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon


Introduction aux vibrations aléatoires - Alain le Bot, Directeur de Recherche au Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes - Ecole Centrale Lyon

Les animaux parlent, sachons les écouter - Nicolas Mathevon, Professeur à l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle, et à l'Institut Universitaire de France