Le Francilophone - 1st semester 2024
Air traffic noise special - DEBATS research project (Discussion on the Health Effects of Aircraft Noise)
See the review
See the review
Le Progres - 22/05/2022
INSIS-CNRS - 20/05/2021
Cerveau et Psycho n° 132 - 15/04/2021
Libération -09/11/2020
Physics Today - 15/10/2020
Animal Behaviour 166 (2020) p247-259
Futura Planète - 05/12/2019
Acoustics today - Fall 2019 - P55 to P64
Environnement, risques et santé - 09/10/2019 - P401 to 410
Le Progrès - 07/04/2019
Is it possible to produce quieter aircraft?
read the article here
read the article here
Improving sound transmission loss at ring frequency of a curved panel using tunable 3D-printed small-scale resonators
Scilight 01/02/2019
La Croix 25/12/2018 - Christmas science
Le Progres 22/06/2018
Science et Vie n° 1206 March 2018 - Reader's letter
Lyon Capital 20/05/2018
"My thesis in 180 seconds" : "Identifying the noises that distract us" Moira-Phoebe HUET CeLyA PhD, INSA Lyon
read the article here
read the article here
L'Express (version éléctronique)18/05/2018
l'OBS flash matin reportage
"LabEx CeLyA à EcullyLabex CeLyA : pionnier de la recherche et de la formation en science acoustique"
read the article here
CNRS Le Journal 08/06/2017
prizes and medals
- 2023 Société Française d'Acoustique Medal - Christophe Bailly, Professor and Director of the LMFA, Ecole Centrale Lyon
- ASME fellow 2022 - Manuel Collet, Professeur LTDS Ecole Centrale Lyon
- Aeroacoustics award 2022 to Michel Roger professor at LMFA Ecole Centrale Lyon
- EAA Best Applied Contribution Award - e-Forum Acusticum 2020 : Maxime Fauconnier - INSERM LabTAU, LabEx CeLyA PhD - Université de Lyon
Deformations of megakaryocytes mechanically coupled with an ultrasound-driven microbubble
- Christophe Droz, winner of the 2020 Young Researcher Award
Christophe Droz defended his thesis: "High order wave guidance in composites: application to in-flight de-icing of helicopter blades" in 2015 at LTDS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon/LabEx CeLyA under the direction of Mohamed Ichchou.
- Aeroacoustics Award 2020 to Christophe Bailly, university professor and researcher in fluid mechanics and acoustics Director of the LMFA.
- 1st prize of the Synthetic Aperture Vector Flow Imaging challenge 2018 for Vincent Perrot (CREATIS PhD student)
- Thesis Prize 2018 of the Association Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser awarded to Bertrand Mercier
- 2017 Medal from the French Acoustics Society to Philippe Blanc-Benon, Director of the LMFA
- 2017 CEAS Aeroacoustics Prize awarded to Daniel Juvé, Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- 2016 CNRS silver medal awarded to Barbara Tillmann, cognitive science researcher
- 2011 Medal of the French Acoustical Society to Daniel Juvé, Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Introduction aux vibrations aléatoires - Alain le Bot, Directeur de Recherche au Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes - Ecole Centrale Lyon
Les animaux parlent, sachons les écouter - Nicolas Mathevon, Professeur à l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle, et à l'Institut Universitaire de France
DOCTEUR HONORIS CAUSA UCBL 2019 - Piero TORTOLI, Université de Florence
Remise des insignes de Docteur Honoris Causa de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
à Piero Tortoli, Professeur d'electronique, Université de Florence, membre du Comité d'Orientation du LabEx CeLyA
Photos et article : ici
NASA Captures First Air-to-Air Images of Supersonic Shockwave Interaction in Flight
When aircraft fly faster than the speed of sound, shockwaves travel away from the vehicle, and are heard on the ground as a sonic boom.
NASA researchers use this imagery to study these shockwaves as part of the effort to make sonic booms quieter, which may open the future to possible supersonic flight over land.
Credits: NASA Photo