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IRP Summer School Programme CAJC 2023
International Research Project (IRP) - ex LIA
The CNRS has renewed the IRP (International Research Project) Centre Acoustique Jacques Cartier (CAJC) for a period of 5 years.From January 1st 2023, the project will be coordinated for the French part by the LAUM.
The CNRS CAC (Centre Acoustique Jacques Cartier) International Research Project (IRP) was created on January 1, 2019, for a period of 4 years.
It includes laboratories or teams from the University of Sherbrooke (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Acoustics Group of the University of Sherbrooke -GAUS-), the University of Lyon (LMFA, LTDS, LVA) and the University of Le Mans (LAUM).
First IRP created in Acoustics, it develops its actions according to 5 themes: Vibroacoustics, Aeroacoustics, Materials and Metamaterials, Vibroacoustic Imaging and Non-destructive Testing, Active Control, Field Synthesis and Perception.
The IRP CAC is co-directed by Alain Berry (GAUS) and Manuel Melon (LAUM)
all information on the dedicated websites : GAUS et LAUM