André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2014, Investigation of the mixing layer of underexpanded supersonic jets by particle image velocimetry, Inte rnational Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, 188-200 Bühler, S., Kleiser, L. & Bogey, C., 2014, Simulation of subsonic turbulent nozzle jet flow and its near-field sound, AIAA Journal, 52(8), 1653-1669.
Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, A study of infrasound propagation based on high- order finite difference solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1083-1095. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2014, Experimental investigation of underexpanded supersonic jets, Shock Waves, 24(1), 21-32.
Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, Semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes: development and application to compressible channel flow, AIAA Journal, 52(3), 516-527.
Lafitte, A., Le Garrec, T., Bailly, C. & Laurendeau, E., 2014, Turbulence generation from a sweeping-based stochastic model, AIAA Journal, 52(2), 281-292.
Dargaud, J.B., Troyes, J., Lamet, J.-M., Tessé, L., Vuillot, F., & Bailly, C., 2014, A numerical study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure wave including infrared radiation, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 30(1), 164-174.
Chaligné, S., Castelain, T., Michard, M., Chacaton, D. & Juvé, D., 2014, Fluidic control of wake-flow behind a two-dimensional square-back bluff-body,Acad. Sci. Paris, C.R. Mécanique, 342, 349-355.
Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Modeling of broadband moving sources for time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, AIAA J., 52(9), 1928-1939
Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Toward realistic simulations of sound radiation by moving sources in outdoor environments, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(5-6), 405-426.
Salze, E., Yuldashev, P., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Laboratory- scale experiment to study nonlinear N-wave distortion by thermal turbulence, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(2), 556-566.
Jacob, M. C., Dragna, D., Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Toward hybrid CAA with ground effects, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(3-4), 235-260.
Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Physically admissible impedance models for time- domain computations of outdoor sound propagation, Acta Acust. united Ac., 100(3), 401- 410.
Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Impulse propagation over a complex site: A comparison of experimental results and numerical predictions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1096-1105.
Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R., Roger, M. & Visbal, M., 2014, On flow-acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(1-2), 1-
Roger, M., Schram, C. & Moreau, S., 2014, On vortex-airfoil interaction noise including span- end effects, with application to open-rotor aeroacoustics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 283-306.
Wang, Y.H., Zhang, Ren, L.Q. , C.C., Ichchou, M., Galland, M-A. & Bareille, O., 2014, Sound absorption of a new bionic multi-layer absorber, Composite Structures, 108, 400-408.
Bailly, C., André, B., Castelain, T., Henry, C., Bodard, G. & Porta, M., 2014, An analysis of shock-noise components, Aerospace Lab, 7, 1-8.
De Cacqueray, N. & Bogey, C., 2014, Noise of an overexpanded Mach 3.3 jet: non-linear propagation effects and correlations with flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(7- 8), 607-632.
Casiez, N., Deschanel, S., Monnier, T., Lame, O., 2014, Acoustic emission from the initiation of plastic deformation of Polyethylenes during tensile tests, Polymer 55 (25), 6561-6568. Ruzek, M., Guyader, J-L., Pezerat, C., 2014, Information criteria and selection of vibration models, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(6), 3040-3050.
Parizet, E., Ellermeier, W., Robart, R., 2014, Auditory warnings for electric vehicles: Detectability in normal-vision and visually-impaired listeners, Applied Acoustics, 86, 50-58. Renzi, C., Pezerat, C., Guyader, J-L., 2014, Local force identification on flexural plates using reduced Finite Element models, Computers and Structures, 144, 75-91.
Ploix, M-A., Guy, P., Chassignole, B., Moysan, J., Corneloup, G., El Guerjouma, R., 2014, Measurement of ultrasonic scattering attenuation in austenitic stainless steel welds: Realistic input data for NDT numerical modeling, Ultrasonics, 54 (7), 1729-1736.
Yu, X., Cheng, L., Guyader, J-L., 2014, Modeling vibroacoustic systems involving cascade open cavities and micro-perforated panels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(2), 659-670.
Maxit, L., 2014, Scattering model of a cylindrical shell with internal axisymmetric frames by using the Circumferential Admittance Approach, Applied Acoustics, 80, 10-22.
Yu, X., Cheng, L., Guyader, J-L., 2014, On the modelling of sound transmission through a mixed separation of flexible structure with an aperture, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(5), 2785- 2796.
Dong, B., Antoni, J., Zhang, E., 2014, Blind separation of sound sources from the principle of least spatial entropy, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (9), 2643-2668.
Remond, D., Antoni, J., Randall, R. B. Instantaneous Angular Speed (IAS) processing and related angular applications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 45 (1), 24-27 . Uchimoto, T., Guy, P., Takagi, T., Courbon, J., 2014, Evaluation of an EMAT-EC dual probe in sizing extent of wall thinning, NDT & E International, 62, 160-166.
Urbanek, J., Barszcz, T., Antoni, J., 2014, Integrated modulation intensity distribution as a practical tool for condition monitoring, Applied Acoustics, 77, 184-194.
Andre, H., Girardin, F., Bourdon, A., Antoni, J., Remond, D., 2014, Precision of the IAS monitoring system based on the elapsed time method in the spectral domain, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 44, 14-30.
Leclere, Q., Hamzaoui, N., 2014, Using the moving synchronous average to analyze fuzzy cyclostationary signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 44, 149-159.
Lafont, T., Totaro, N., Le Bot, A., 2014, Review of statistical energy analysis hypotheses in vibroacoustics, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 470 (2162).
Leclere, Q., Roozen, N. B., Sandier, C., 2014, On the use of the H-s estimator for the experimental assessment of transmissibility matrices, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 43, 237-245.
Maxit, L., Ege, K., Totaro, N., Guyader, J. L., 2014, Non resonant transmission modelling with statistical modal energy distribution analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (2), 499- 519.
Assaad, B., Eltabach, M., Antoni, J., 2014, Vibration based condition monitoring of a multistageepicyclicgearboxinliftingcranes,MechanicalSystemsandSignalProcessing, 42, 351-367.
Bonnin, A., Duvauchelle, P., Kaftandjian, V., Ponard, P., 2014, Concept of effective atomic number and effective mass density in dual-energy X-ray computed tomography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 318, 223-231.
S. Li, B. Montcel, W. Y. Liu, and D. Vray, 2014, Analytical model of optical fluence inside multiple cylindrical inhomogeneities embedded in an otherwise homogeneous turbid medium for quantitative photoacoustic imaging, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 17 .
Y. Zhao, A. Bernard, C. Cachard, and H. Liebgott, 2014, Biopsy needle localization and tracking using ROI-RK method, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 973147, 7 pages.
R. L. Maurice, L. Vaujois, N. Dahdah, N. Chibab, A. Maurice, A.-M. Nuyt, É. Lévy, and J. - L. Bigras, 2014, Carotid wall elastography to assess mid-term vascular dysfunction secondary to intra-uterine growth restriction: Feasibility and comparison with standardized intima- media-thickness, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 40 (5), 864-870.
S. Salles, H. Liebgott, O. Basset, C. Cachard, D. Vray, and R. Lavarello, 2014, Experimental Evaluation of Spectral-Based Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging Using Plane Wave Compounding, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 61 (11).
M. Lenge, A. Ramalli, E. Boni, H. Liebgott, C. C., and P. Tortoli, 2014, High frame-rate 2D vector blood flow imaging in the frequency-domain, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 61 (9), 1504 - 1514. G.Zahnd,M.Orkisz,A.Sérusclat,P.Moulin,andD.Vray, 2014,Simultaneousextractionof carotid artery intima-media interfaces in ultrasound images - Assessment of wall thickness temporal variation during the cardiac cycle", Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, vol. 9, no. 4, 645-658, 10/2013 .
A. Le Bot, E. Sadoulet-Reboul., 2014, High frequency vibroacousics: A radiative transfer equation and radiosity based approach, Wave Motion, 51, 598-605.
Bichri, A., Belhaq, M. & Perret-Liaudet, J. Effect of electromagnetic actuation on contact loss in a Hertzian contact oscillator. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ASME. technical brief. doi: 10.1115/1.4028838.
Majdoub, F., Martin, J.M., Belin, M., Perret-Liaudet, J. & Iovine, R., 2014, Effect of Temperature on Lubricated Steel/Steel Systems With or Without Fatty Acids Additives Using an Oscillating Dynamic Tribometer. Tribology Letters 54, 171–18.
C-H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, 2014, Dynamical behavior of a Bouc-Wen type oscillator coupled to a nonlinear energy sink, Meccanica, 49 (8), 1917-1928.
C-H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, Z. Dimitrijevic, 2014, Dynamics of a linear system with time-dependent mass and a coupled light mass with non-smooth potential, Meccanica, 49 (1), 135-145.
F. Tateo, M. Collet, M. Ouisse and K.A. Cunefare, 2014, Design variables for optimizing adaptive metacomposite made of shunted piezoelectric patches distribution, Journal of Vibration and Control, 1077546314545100, August 5, 2014.
F. Tateo, M. Collet, M. Ouisse, M.N Ichchou, K. Cunefare, P. Abbe, 2014, xperimental characterization of a bi-dimensional array of negative capacitance piezo-patches for vibroacoustic control, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 21, 1045389X14536006 , 2014.
M. Collet, M. Ouisse, F. Tateo, 2014, Adaptive Metacomposites for Vibroacoustic Control Applications, Sensors Journal, IEEE, 14(7), 2145-2152.
B. S. Beck, K. A. Cunefare and M. Collet, 2014, Response-based Tuning of a Negative Capacitance Shunt for Vibration Control, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 25, 1585-1595.
Claeys, M., Sinou, J. -J., Lambelin, J. -P., & Alcoverro B., 2014, Multi-harmonic measurements and numerical simulations of nonlinear vibrations of a beam with non-ideal boundary conditions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (12), 4196-4212
Soobbarayen, K., Sinou, J. -J., Besset, S., 2014, Numerical study of friction-induced instability and acoustic radiation - Effect of ramp loading on the squeal propensity for a simplified brake model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (21), 5475-5493.
Doutres, O., Ouisse, M., Atalla, N.l. & Ichchou, M., 2014, Impact of the irregular microgeometry of polyurethane foam on the macroscopic acoustic behavior predicted by a unit-cell model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136 (4), 1666-1681.
Boutin, C., Rallu, A., Hans, S., 2014, Large scale modulation of high frequency waves in periodic elastic composites, Journal Mechanics and Physics Solids, 70, 362-381.
Boutin, C., Soubestre, J., Schwan, L., et al., 2014, Multi-scale modeling for dynamics of structure-soil-structure interactions, Acta Geophysica, 62 (5), 1005-1024.
Kharrat, M., Ichchou, M. N., Bareille, O., & Zhou, W., 2014, Pipeline inspection using a torsional guided-waves inspection system, Part 1: Defect Identification, International J. Applied Mechanics, 6 (4), Article Number: 1450034
Kharrat, M., Ichchou, M. N., Bareille, O., & Zhou, W., 2014, Pipeline inspection using a torsional guided-waves inspection system, Part 1: Defect Sizing by the Wave Finite Element Method Identification, International J. Applied Mechanics, 6 (4), Article Number: 1450035 Droz, C., Laine, J-P, Ichchou, M. N., & Inquiété, G., 2014, A reduced formulation for the free- wave propagation analysis in composite structures, Composite Structures, 113, 134-144. Weiss, M., Savadkoohi, A. T., Gendelman, O. V., & Lamarque C-H., 2014, Dynamical behavior of a mechanical system including Saint-Venant component coupled to a non-linear energy sink, International J. Nonlinear Mechanics, 63, 10-18.
Zhang, K., Scorletti, G., Ichchou, M., & Mieyeville, F., 2014, Quantitative robust linear parameter varying H∞ vibration control of flexible structures for saving the control energy, J. Intelligent Materials and Structures, 25 (6), 665-679.
Loukil, T., Ichchou, M., Bareille, O. et al., 2014, Effective vibration control of multimodal structures with low power requirement, Smart Structures and Systems, 13 (3), 435-451. Chronopoulos, D., Ichchou, M., Troclet, B., & Bareille, O., 2014, Computing the broadband vibroacoustic response of arbitrarily thick layered panels by a wave finite element approach Applied Acoustics, 89-98.
Chronopoulos, Dimitrios, Ichchou, Mohamed, Troclet, Bernard, & Bareille, O., 2014, Predicting the broadband response of a layered cone-cylinder-cone shell, Composite Structures, 107, 149-159.
David, M., Lavandier, M. and Grimault, N., 2014, Room and head coloration can induce obligatory stream segregation (L), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136 (1), 5-8.
Trollé, A., Marquis-Favre, C. and Klein, A., 2014, Short-term annoyance due to tramway noise: Determination of an acoustical indicator of annoyance via multilevel regression analysis, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (1), 34-45.
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M.-A. Pallas, R. Chatagnon, J. Lelong , 2014, Noise emission assessment of a hybrid electric mid-size truck, Applied Acoustics, 76, 280-290.
Angel YC, Aristégui C., 2014, Weakly nonlinear waves in fluids of low viscosity: lagrangian and eulerian descriptions, International Journal of Engineering Science, 74, 190–206. Grasland-Mongrain P, Mari JM, Gilles B, Poizat A, Chapelon JY, Lafon C., 2014, Lorentz- force hydrophone characterization, IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 61 (2), 353- 63.
Lee JL, Lo CW, Inserra C, Béra JC, Chen WS, 2014, Ultrasound Enhanced PEI-Mediated Gene Delivery Through Increasing the Intracellular Calcium Level and PKC-δ Protein Expression, Pharmaceutical Research, 31(9), 2354-2366.
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Inserra C, Labelle P, ... Rieu JP, Chen WS, Béra JC, 2014, Monitoring and control of inertial cavitation activity for enhancing ultrasound transfection, IRBM, 35(2), 94-99.
Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, A study of infrasound propagation based on high- order finite difference solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1083-1095. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2014, Experimental investigation of underexpanded supersonic jets, Shock Waves, 24(1), 21-32.
Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, Semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes: development and application to compressible channel flow, AIAA Journal, 52(3), 516-527.
Lafitte, A., Le Garrec, T., Bailly, C. & Laurendeau, E., 2014, Turbulence generation from a sweeping-based stochastic model, AIAA Journal, 52(2), 281-292.
Dargaud, J.B., Troyes, J., Lamet, J.-M., Tessé, L., Vuillot, F., & Bailly, C., 2014, A numerical study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure wave including infrared radiation, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 30(1), 164-174.
Chaligné, S., Castelain, T., Michard, M., Chacaton, D. & Juvé, D., 2014, Fluidic control of wake-flow behind a two-dimensional square-back bluff-body,Acad. Sci. Paris, C.R. Mécanique, 342, 349-355.
Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Modeling of broadband moving sources for time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, AIAA J., 52(9), 1928-1939
Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Toward realistic simulations of sound radiation by moving sources in outdoor environments, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(5-6), 405-426.
Salze, E., Yuldashev, P., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Laboratory- scale experiment to study nonlinear N-wave distortion by thermal turbulence, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(2), 556-566.
Jacob, M. C., Dragna, D., Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Toward hybrid CAA with ground effects, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(3-4), 235-260.
Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Physically admissible impedance models for time- domain computations of outdoor sound propagation, Acta Acust. united Ac., 100(3), 401- 410.
Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Impulse propagation over a complex site: A comparison of experimental results and numerical predictions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1096-1105.
Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R., Roger, M. & Visbal, M., 2014, On flow-acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(1-2), 1-
Roger, M., Schram, C. & Moreau, S., 2014, On vortex-airfoil interaction noise including span- end effects, with application to open-rotor aeroacoustics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 283-306.
Wang, Y.H., Zhang, Ren, L.Q. , C.C., Ichchou, M., Galland, M-A. & Bareille, O., 2014, Sound absorption of a new bionic multi-layer absorber, Composite Structures, 108, 400-408.
Bailly, C., André, B., Castelain, T., Henry, C., Bodard, G. & Porta, M., 2014, An analysis of shock-noise components, Aerospace Lab, 7, 1-8.
De Cacqueray, N. & Bogey, C., 2014, Noise of an overexpanded Mach 3.3 jet: non-linear propagation effects and correlations with flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(7- 8), 607-632.
Casiez, N., Deschanel, S., Monnier, T., Lame, O., 2014, Acoustic emission from the initiation of plastic deformation of Polyethylenes during tensile tests, Polymer 55 (25), 6561-6568. Ruzek, M., Guyader, J-L., Pezerat, C., 2014, Information criteria and selection of vibration models, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(6), 3040-3050.
Parizet, E., Ellermeier, W., Robart, R., 2014, Auditory warnings for electric vehicles: Detectability in normal-vision and visually-impaired listeners, Applied Acoustics, 86, 50-58. Renzi, C., Pezerat, C., Guyader, J-L., 2014, Local force identification on flexural plates using reduced Finite Element models, Computers and Structures, 144, 75-91.
Ploix, M-A., Guy, P., Chassignole, B., Moysan, J., Corneloup, G., El Guerjouma, R., 2014, Measurement of ultrasonic scattering attenuation in austenitic stainless steel welds: Realistic input data for NDT numerical modeling, Ultrasonics, 54 (7), 1729-1736.
Yu, X., Cheng, L., Guyader, J-L., 2014, Modeling vibroacoustic systems involving cascade open cavities and micro-perforated panels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(2), 659-670.
Maxit, L., 2014, Scattering model of a cylindrical shell with internal axisymmetric frames by using the Circumferential Admittance Approach, Applied Acoustics, 80, 10-22.
Yu, X., Cheng, L., Guyader, J-L., 2014, On the modelling of sound transmission through a mixed separation of flexible structure with an aperture, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(5), 2785- 2796.
Dong, B., Antoni, J., Zhang, E., 2014, Blind separation of sound sources from the principle of least spatial entropy, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (9), 2643-2668.
Remond, D., Antoni, J., Randall, R. B. Instantaneous Angular Speed (IAS) processing and related angular applications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 45 (1), 24-27 . Uchimoto, T., Guy, P., Takagi, T., Courbon, J., 2014, Evaluation of an EMAT-EC dual probe in sizing extent of wall thinning, NDT & E International, 62, 160-166.
Urbanek, J., Barszcz, T., Antoni, J., 2014, Integrated modulation intensity distribution as a practical tool for condition monitoring, Applied Acoustics, 77, 184-194.
Andre, H., Girardin, F., Bourdon, A., Antoni, J., Remond, D., 2014, Precision of the IAS monitoring system based on the elapsed time method in the spectral domain, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 44, 14-30.
Leclere, Q., Hamzaoui, N., 2014, Using the moving synchronous average to analyze fuzzy cyclostationary signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 44, 149-159.
Lafont, T., Totaro, N., Le Bot, A., 2014, Review of statistical energy analysis hypotheses in vibroacoustics, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 470 (2162).
Leclere, Q., Roozen, N. B., Sandier, C., 2014, On the use of the H-s estimator for the experimental assessment of transmissibility matrices, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 43, 237-245.
Maxit, L., Ege, K., Totaro, N., Guyader, J. L., 2014, Non resonant transmission modelling with statistical modal energy distribution analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (2), 499- 519.
Assaad, B., Eltabach, M., Antoni, J., 2014, Vibration based condition monitoring of a multistageepicyclicgearboxinliftingcranes,MechanicalSystemsandSignalProcessing, 42, 351-367.
Bonnin, A., Duvauchelle, P., Kaftandjian, V., Ponard, P., 2014, Concept of effective atomic number and effective mass density in dual-energy X-ray computed tomography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 318, 223-231.
S. Li, B. Montcel, W. Y. Liu, and D. Vray, 2014, Analytical model of optical fluence inside multiple cylindrical inhomogeneities embedded in an otherwise homogeneous turbid medium for quantitative photoacoustic imaging, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 17 .
Y. Zhao, A. Bernard, C. Cachard, and H. Liebgott, 2014, Biopsy needle localization and tracking using ROI-RK method, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 973147, 7 pages.
R. L. Maurice, L. Vaujois, N. Dahdah, N. Chibab, A. Maurice, A.-M. Nuyt, É. Lévy, and J. - L. Bigras, 2014, Carotid wall elastography to assess mid-term vascular dysfunction secondary to intra-uterine growth restriction: Feasibility and comparison with standardized intima- media-thickness, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 40 (5), 864-870.
S. Salles, H. Liebgott, O. Basset, C. Cachard, D. Vray, and R. Lavarello, 2014, Experimental Evaluation of Spectral-Based Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging Using Plane Wave Compounding, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 61 (11).
M. Lenge, A. Ramalli, E. Boni, H. Liebgott, C. C., and P. Tortoli, 2014, High frame-rate 2D vector blood flow imaging in the frequency-domain, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 61 (9), 1504 - 1514. G.Zahnd,M.Orkisz,A.Sérusclat,P.Moulin,andD.Vray, 2014,Simultaneousextractionof carotid artery intima-media interfaces in ultrasound images - Assessment of wall thickness temporal variation during the cardiac cycle", Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, vol. 9, no. 4, 645-658, 10/2013 .
A. Le Bot, E. Sadoulet-Reboul., 2014, High frequency vibroacousics: A radiative transfer equation and radiosity based approach, Wave Motion, 51, 598-605.
Bichri, A., Belhaq, M. & Perret-Liaudet, J. Effect of electromagnetic actuation on contact loss in a Hertzian contact oscillator. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ASME. technical brief. doi: 10.1115/1.4028838.
Majdoub, F., Martin, J.M., Belin, M., Perret-Liaudet, J. & Iovine, R., 2014, Effect of Temperature on Lubricated Steel/Steel Systems With or Without Fatty Acids Additives Using an Oscillating Dynamic Tribometer. Tribology Letters 54, 171–18.
C-H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, 2014, Dynamical behavior of a Bouc-Wen type oscillator coupled to a nonlinear energy sink, Meccanica, 49 (8), 1917-1928.
C-H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, Z. Dimitrijevic, 2014, Dynamics of a linear system with time-dependent mass and a coupled light mass with non-smooth potential, Meccanica, 49 (1), 135-145.
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