1. Dragna, D., Attenborough, K. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, On the inadvisability of using single parameter impedance models for representing the acoustical properties of ground surfaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(4), 2399-2413.
2. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Application of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer to the observation of Mach stem formation when a shock wave is reflected from a rigid surface, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 79(10), 1293-1295.
3. Dragna, D., Pineau, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, A generalized recursive convolution method for time-domain propagation in porous media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(2), 1030-1042.
4. Hornikx, M. & Dragna, D., 2015, Application of the Fourier pseudospectral time-domain method in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates for near-rigid moderately curved surface, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(1), 425-435.
5. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach- Zehnder interferometry method for acoustic shock wave measurements in air and broadband calibration of microphones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3314-3324.
6. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Characterization of spark-generated N-waves in air using an optical Schlieren method, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3244-3252.
7. Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Salze, E., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach stem formation in reflection and focusing of weak shock acoustic pulses, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), EL436-442.
8. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Sound radiation by a moving line source above an impedance plane with frequency-dependent properties, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 259-275.
9. Kremer, F. & Bogey, C., 2015, Large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow using relaxation filtering: Resolution requirement and Reynolds number effects, Computers & Fluids, 116, 17-28.
10. Sabatini, R. & Bailly, C., 2015, A numerical algorithm for computing acoustic and vortical spatial instability waves, AIAA Journal, 53(3), 692-702.
11. Boudet, J., Cahuzac, A., Kausche, P. & Jacob, M., 2015, Zonal large-eddy simulation of a fan tip-clearance flow, with evidence of vortex wandering, J. Turbomach., 137, 061001, 1-9.
12. Desjouy, C., Fouqueray, C.W., Fouqueray, M., Lo, C.W., Seya, P.M., Lee, J.L., Béra, J.C., Chen, W.S. & Inserra, C., 2015, Counterbalancing the use of ultrasound contrast agents by a cavitation-regulated system, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 26, 163–168.
13. Mohammed-Taifour, A ., Weiss, J., Sadeghi, A., Vétel, J., Jondeau, E. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, A detailed procedure for measuring turbulent velocity fluctuations using constant- voltage anemometry, Exp. Fluids, 56, 174, 1-13.
14. Seya, P.M., Desjouy, C., Béra, J.C. & Inserra, C., 2015, Hysteresis of inertial cavitation activity induced by fluctuating bubble size distribution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, 262–267.
15. Osman, A., Hassler, U., Kaftandjian, V., Hornegger, J., 2015,Automated segmentation of ultrasonic volumetric data of composite materials, Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 57,90
16. Pereira, A., Antoni, J., Leclere, Q., 2015, Empirical Bayesian regularization of the inverse acoustic problem, Applied Acoustics, 97, 11-29.
17. V. Meyer, V., Maxit, L., Guyader,J-L., Leissing, T., Audoly, C., 2015,A condensed transfer function method as a tool for solving vibroacoustic problems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 73.
18. Vigoureux, D., Totaro, N., Lagneaux, L., Guyader, J-L., 2015,Inverse Patch Transfer Functions Method as a Tool for Source Field Identification, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 137, 91- 110
19. Leclere, Q., Picard, C., 2015,Acoustic beamforming through a thin plate using vibration measurements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137, 645-662
20. Ebissou, A., Parizet, E., Chevret, P., 2015,Use of the Speech Transmission Index for the assessment of sound annoyance in open-plan offices, Applied Acoustics, 88, 646 - 658
21. Totaro,N., Vigoureux, D., Leclere, Q., Lagneaux, L., Guyader, J-L., 2015,Sound fields separation and reconstruction of irregularly shaped sources, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 336, 57 - 63
22. Trollé, A., Marquis-Favre, C., Parizet, E., 2015,Perception and annoyance due to vibrations in dwellings generated from ground transportation: A review, Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 34, 413-458
23. Rebillat, M., Ege,K., Gallo, M., Antoni, J., 2015,Repeated exponential sine sweeps for the autonomous estimation of nonlinearities and bootstrap assessment of uncertainties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, XX, 1-12.
24. Grau, L., Laulagnet, B., 2015,Effect of horizontal wave barriers on ground vibration propagation, The Journal Acoustical Society of America, 138,123-149
25. Aragonès, A., Maxit, L., Guasch, O., 2015,A graph theory approach to identify resonant and non-resonant transmission paths in statistical modal energy distribution analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 350, 91-110.
26. Moriot, J., Maxit, L., Guyader, J-L., Gastaldi, O., Périsse, J., 2015,Use of beamforming for detecting an acoustic source inside a cylindrical shell filled with a heavy fluid, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 52-53, 645-662.
27. Grau, L., Laulagnet, B., 2015,Ground cross-modal impedance as a tool for analyzing ground/plate interaction and ground wave propagation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137,47423
28. Leclere, Q., Ablitzer, F., Pézerat, C., 2015,Practical implementation of the Corrected Force Analysis Technique to identify the structural parameter and load distributions, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 351, 106-118.
29. Antoni, J., Yu, L., Leclere, Q., 2015,Reconstruction of sound quadratic properties from non- synchronous measurements with insufficient or without references: Proof of concept, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 62-81
30. Bert Roozen, N., Leclere, Q., Rychtarikova, M., Glorieux, C., 2015,A global error estimator for the uncertainty of a multi-channel spectral analysis, Applied Acoustics, 87, 57-63.
31. Drouet, J., Leclere, Q., EParizet, E., 2015,Experimental modeling of Wiener filters estimated on an operating diesel engine, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 50-51, 646–658.
32. Montagner, F., Kaftandjian, V., Farlay, D., Brau, D., Boivin, G., Follet, H., 2015,Validation of a novel microradiography device for characterization of bone mineralization, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 23, 201-211.
33. Yao, M., Duvauchelle, P., Kaftandjian, V., Peterzol-Parmentier, A., Schumm, A., 2015, X-ray imaging plate performance investigation based on a Monte Carlo simulation tool, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 103-104, 84-91.
34. DAVID, M., LAVANDIER, M. and GRIMAULT, N., 2015, Sequential streaming, binaural cues and lateralization, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138 (6), 3500-3512.
35. KLEIN, A., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C., WEBER, R. and TROLLÉ, A., 2015, "Spectral and modulation indices for annoyance-relevant features of urban road single-vehicle pass-by noise", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137 (3), 1238-1250.
36. LECLERE, T., LAVANDIER, M. and CULLING, J. F., 2015, "Speech intelligibility prediction in reverberation: Towards an integrated model of speech transmission, spatial unmasking and binaural de-reverberation", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137 (6), 3335-3345.
37. MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. and MOREL, J., 2015, "A simulated environment experiment on annoyance due to combined road traffic and industrial noises", Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 12 (7), 8413-8433.
38. MICHAUD, P.-Y., LAVANDIER, M., MEUNIER, S. & HERZOG, P., 2015, "Objective characterization of perceptual dimensions underlying the sound reproduction of 37 single loudspeakers in a room", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101 (3), 603-615.
39. TROLLÉ, A., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. & KLEIN, A., 2015, "Corrigendum to Short-term annoyance due to tramway noise: Determination of an acoustical indicator of annoyance via multilevel regression analysis", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (1),205-205.
40. TROLLÉ, A., TERROIR, J., LAVANDIER, C., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. & LAVANDIER, M., 2015, "Impact of urban road traffic on sound unpleasantness: A comparison of traffic scenarios at crossroads", Applied Acoustics, 94 (7), 46–52.
41. B. Faure, O. Chiello, M.-A. Pallas, C. Servière, 2015, Characterisation of the acoustic field radiated by a rail with a microphone array: the SWEAM method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 346, 165-190.
42. A.-S. Evrard, L. Bouaoun, P. Champelovier, J. Lambert, B. Laumon, 2015, Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the mortality from cardiovascular disease in the population living in the vicinity of airports ? Results of an ecological study in France, Noise and Health, 17-78, 328-336.
43. J. Lambert, P. Champelovier, R. Blanchet, C. Lavandier, J. Terroir, C. Marki, B. Griefahn, A. Iemma, K. Janssens, R. Bisping, 2015, Human response to simulated airport noise scenarios in home-like environments, Applied Acoustics, 90, 116-125.
44. Desjouy C, Fouqueray M, Muleki Seya P, Lo CW, Lee JL, Chen WS, Bera JC, Inserra C., 2015, Counterbalancing the use of ultrasound contrast agents by a regulated-cavitation system, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 26, 163-168.
45. Muleki Seya P, Fouqueray M, Ngo J, Poizat A, Inserra C, Bera JC., 2015, Sonoporation of adherent cells in regulated ultrasound cavitation, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 41(4), 1008-1019.
46. Der Loughian C, Muleki Seya P, Pirat C, Inserra C, Béra J.C, Rieu JP., 2015, Jumping acoustic bubbles on lipid bilayers, Soft Matter 11(17), 3460-9.
47. Ben Chiekh M, Ferchichi M, Béra JC, Michard M., 2015, Minimization of time-averaged and unsteady aerodynamic forces on a thick flat plate using synthetic jets, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 54, 522-535.
48. Muleki Seya P, Desjouy C, Bera JC, Inserra C., 2015, Hysteresis of inertial cavitation activity induced by fluctuating bubble size distribution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, 262-267.
49. Huber, G., Sébastien, T., Béra, J-C., Gilles, B., 2015, A time splitting projection scheme for compressible two-phase flows. Application to the interaction of bubbles with ultrasound waves, Journal of Computational Physics, 302, 439–468.
50. O. Basset, A. Bouakaz, N. Sénégond, M. Toulemonde, R. Guillermin, D. Fouan, F. Lin, F. Tourniaire, A. Cristea, A. Novell, et al., 2015, Ultrasound imaging using CMUT- Techniques developed in the frame of the ANR BBMUT project, IRBM - Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, 36, 126-132.
51. M. Lenge, A. Ramalli, P. Tortoli, C. Cachard & H. Liebgott, 2015, Plane-Wave Transverse Oscillation for High Frame Rate 2-D Vector Flow Imaging", IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 62, 2126 - 2137.
52. S. Li, B. Montcel, W. Y. Liu, Z. Yuan & D. Vray, 2015, Multigrid-based reconstruction algorithm for quantitative photoacoustic tomography, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(7), 2424- 2434.
53. F. Lin, C. Cachard, F. Varray & O. Basset, 2015, Generalization of Multi-pulse Transmission Techniques for Ultrasound Imaging, Ultrasonic Imaging, 37( 4), 294-311, 2015 .
54. S. Salles, A. Chee, D. Garcia, A. Yu, D. Vray & H. Liebgott, 2015, 2D Arterial wall motion imaging using ultrafast ultrasound and transverse oscillations, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62(6), 1047-1058.
55. S. Salles, H. Liebgott, D. Garcia & D. Vray, 2015, Full 3D transverse oscillations: a method for tissue motion estimation, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62(8).
56. M. Toulemonde, O. Basset, P. Tortoli & C. Cachard, 2015, Thomson’s multitaper approach combined with coherent plane-wave compounding to reduce speckle in ultrasound imaging, Ultrasonics, 56, 390-398.
57. L. Wang, A. Basarab, P. R. Girard, P. Croisille, P. Clarysse & P. Delachartre, 2015, Analytic signal phase-based myocardial motion estimation in tagged MRI sequences by a bilinear model and motion compensation, Medical Image Analysis, 24(1), 149-162.
58. G. Zahnd, S. Balocco, A. Sérusclat, P. Moulin, M. Orkisz & D. Vray, 2015, Progressive attenuation of the longitudinal kinetics in the common carotid artery: preliminary in vivo assessment, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 41(1), 339-345.
59. G. Zahnd, S. Salles, A. Serusclat, P. Moulin, H. Liebgott & D. Vray, 2015, Real-time ultrasound-tagging to track the 2D motion of the common carotid artery wall in vivo, Medical Physics, 42, 820-830.
60. Albouy, P., Lévêque, Y., Hyde, K., Bouchet, P., Tillmann, B., & Caclin, A., 2015, Boosting pitch encoding with audiovisual interactions in congenital amusia, Neuropsychologia, 67, 111-120.
2. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Application of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer to the observation of Mach stem formation when a shock wave is reflected from a rigid surface, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 79(10), 1293-1295.
3. Dragna, D., Pineau, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, A generalized recursive convolution method for time-domain propagation in porous media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(2), 1030-1042.
4. Hornikx, M. & Dragna, D., 2015, Application of the Fourier pseudospectral time-domain method in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates for near-rigid moderately curved surface, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(1), 425-435.
5. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach- Zehnder interferometry method for acoustic shock wave measurements in air and broadband calibration of microphones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3314-3324.
6. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Characterization of spark-generated N-waves in air using an optical Schlieren method, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3244-3252.
7. Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Salze, E., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach stem formation in reflection and focusing of weak shock acoustic pulses, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), EL436-442.
8. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Sound radiation by a moving line source above an impedance plane with frequency-dependent properties, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 259-275.
9. Kremer, F. & Bogey, C., 2015, Large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow using relaxation filtering: Resolution requirement and Reynolds number effects, Computers & Fluids, 116, 17-28.
10. Sabatini, R. & Bailly, C., 2015, A numerical algorithm for computing acoustic and vortical spatial instability waves, AIAA Journal, 53(3), 692-702.
11. Boudet, J., Cahuzac, A., Kausche, P. & Jacob, M., 2015, Zonal large-eddy simulation of a fan tip-clearance flow, with evidence of vortex wandering, J. Turbomach., 137, 061001, 1-9.
12. Desjouy, C., Fouqueray, C.W., Fouqueray, M., Lo, C.W., Seya, P.M., Lee, J.L., Béra, J.C., Chen, W.S. & Inserra, C., 2015, Counterbalancing the use of ultrasound contrast agents by a cavitation-regulated system, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 26, 163–168.
13. Mohammed-Taifour, A ., Weiss, J., Sadeghi, A., Vétel, J., Jondeau, E. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, A detailed procedure for measuring turbulent velocity fluctuations using constant- voltage anemometry, Exp. Fluids, 56, 174, 1-13.
14. Seya, P.M., Desjouy, C., Béra, J.C. & Inserra, C., 2015, Hysteresis of inertial cavitation activity induced by fluctuating bubble size distribution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, 262–267.
15. Osman, A., Hassler, U., Kaftandjian, V., Hornegger, J., 2015,Automated segmentation of ultrasonic volumetric data of composite materials, Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 57,90
16. Pereira, A., Antoni, J., Leclere, Q., 2015, Empirical Bayesian regularization of the inverse acoustic problem, Applied Acoustics, 97, 11-29.
17. V. Meyer, V., Maxit, L., Guyader,J-L., Leissing, T., Audoly, C., 2015,A condensed transfer function method as a tool for solving vibroacoustic problems, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 73.
18. Vigoureux, D., Totaro, N., Lagneaux, L., Guyader, J-L., 2015,Inverse Patch Transfer Functions Method as a Tool for Source Field Identification, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 137, 91- 110
19. Leclere, Q., Picard, C., 2015,Acoustic beamforming through a thin plate using vibration measurements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137, 645-662
20. Ebissou, A., Parizet, E., Chevret, P., 2015,Use of the Speech Transmission Index for the assessment of sound annoyance in open-plan offices, Applied Acoustics, 88, 646 - 658
21. Totaro,N., Vigoureux, D., Leclere, Q., Lagneaux, L., Guyader, J-L., 2015,Sound fields separation and reconstruction of irregularly shaped sources, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 336, 57 - 63
22. Trollé, A., Marquis-Favre, C., Parizet, E., 2015,Perception and annoyance due to vibrations in dwellings generated from ground transportation: A review, Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 34, 413-458
23. Rebillat, M., Ege,K., Gallo, M., Antoni, J., 2015,Repeated exponential sine sweeps for the autonomous estimation of nonlinearities and bootstrap assessment of uncertainties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, XX, 1-12.
24. Grau, L., Laulagnet, B., 2015,Effect of horizontal wave barriers on ground vibration propagation, The Journal Acoustical Society of America, 138,123-149
25. Aragonès, A., Maxit, L., Guasch, O., 2015,A graph theory approach to identify resonant and non-resonant transmission paths in statistical modal energy distribution analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 350, 91-110.
26. Moriot, J., Maxit, L., Guyader, J-L., Gastaldi, O., Périsse, J., 2015,Use of beamforming for detecting an acoustic source inside a cylindrical shell filled with a heavy fluid, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 52-53, 645-662.
27. Grau, L., Laulagnet, B., 2015,Ground cross-modal impedance as a tool for analyzing ground/plate interaction and ground wave propagation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137,47423
28. Leclere, Q., Ablitzer, F., Pézerat, C., 2015,Practical implementation of the Corrected Force Analysis Technique to identify the structural parameter and load distributions, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 351, 106-118.
29. Antoni, J., Yu, L., Leclere, Q., 2015,Reconstruction of sound quadratic properties from non- synchronous measurements with insufficient or without references: Proof of concept, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 62-81
30. Bert Roozen, N., Leclere, Q., Rychtarikova, M., Glorieux, C., 2015,A global error estimator for the uncertainty of a multi-channel spectral analysis, Applied Acoustics, 87, 57-63.
31. Drouet, J., Leclere, Q., EParizet, E., 2015,Experimental modeling of Wiener filters estimated on an operating diesel engine, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 50-51, 646–658.
32. Montagner, F., Kaftandjian, V., Farlay, D., Brau, D., Boivin, G., Follet, H., 2015,Validation of a novel microradiography device for characterization of bone mineralization, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 23, 201-211.
33. Yao, M., Duvauchelle, P., Kaftandjian, V., Peterzol-Parmentier, A., Schumm, A., 2015, X-ray imaging plate performance investigation based on a Monte Carlo simulation tool, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 103-104, 84-91.
34. DAVID, M., LAVANDIER, M. and GRIMAULT, N., 2015, Sequential streaming, binaural cues and lateralization, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138 (6), 3500-3512.
35. KLEIN, A., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C., WEBER, R. and TROLLÉ, A., 2015, "Spectral and modulation indices for annoyance-relevant features of urban road single-vehicle pass-by noise", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137 (3), 1238-1250.
36. LECLERE, T., LAVANDIER, M. and CULLING, J. F., 2015, "Speech intelligibility prediction in reverberation: Towards an integrated model of speech transmission, spatial unmasking and binaural de-reverberation", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137 (6), 3335-3345.
37. MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. and MOREL, J., 2015, "A simulated environment experiment on annoyance due to combined road traffic and industrial noises", Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 12 (7), 8413-8433.
38. MICHAUD, P.-Y., LAVANDIER, M., MEUNIER, S. & HERZOG, P., 2015, "Objective characterization of perceptual dimensions underlying the sound reproduction of 37 single loudspeakers in a room", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101 (3), 603-615.
39. TROLLÉ, A., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. & KLEIN, A., 2015, "Corrigendum to Short-term annoyance due to tramway noise: Determination of an acoustical indicator of annoyance via multilevel regression analysis", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (1),205-205.
40. TROLLÉ, A., TERROIR, J., LAVANDIER, C., MARQUIS-FAVRE, C. & LAVANDIER, M., 2015, "Impact of urban road traffic on sound unpleasantness: A comparison of traffic scenarios at crossroads", Applied Acoustics, 94 (7), 46–52.
41. B. Faure, O. Chiello, M.-A. Pallas, C. Servière, 2015, Characterisation of the acoustic field radiated by a rail with a microphone array: the SWEAM method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 346, 165-190.
42. A.-S. Evrard, L. Bouaoun, P. Champelovier, J. Lambert, B. Laumon, 2015, Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the mortality from cardiovascular disease in the population living in the vicinity of airports ? Results of an ecological study in France, Noise and Health, 17-78, 328-336.
43. J. Lambert, P. Champelovier, R. Blanchet, C. Lavandier, J. Terroir, C. Marki, B. Griefahn, A. Iemma, K. Janssens, R. Bisping, 2015, Human response to simulated airport noise scenarios in home-like environments, Applied Acoustics, 90, 116-125.
44. Desjouy C, Fouqueray M, Muleki Seya P, Lo CW, Lee JL, Chen WS, Bera JC, Inserra C., 2015, Counterbalancing the use of ultrasound contrast agents by a regulated-cavitation system, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 26, 163-168.
45. Muleki Seya P, Fouqueray M, Ngo J, Poizat A, Inserra C, Bera JC., 2015, Sonoporation of adherent cells in regulated ultrasound cavitation, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 41(4), 1008-1019.
46. Der Loughian C, Muleki Seya P, Pirat C, Inserra C, Béra J.C, Rieu JP., 2015, Jumping acoustic bubbles on lipid bilayers, Soft Matter 11(17), 3460-9.
47. Ben Chiekh M, Ferchichi M, Béra JC, Michard M., 2015, Minimization of time-averaged and unsteady aerodynamic forces on a thick flat plate using synthetic jets, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 54, 522-535.
48. Muleki Seya P, Desjouy C, Bera JC, Inserra C., 2015, Hysteresis of inertial cavitation activity induced by fluctuating bubble size distribution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, 262-267.
49. Huber, G., Sébastien, T., Béra, J-C., Gilles, B., 2015, A time splitting projection scheme for compressible two-phase flows. Application to the interaction of bubbles with ultrasound waves, Journal of Computational Physics, 302, 439–468.
50. O. Basset, A. Bouakaz, N. Sénégond, M. Toulemonde, R. Guillermin, D. Fouan, F. Lin, F. Tourniaire, A. Cristea, A. Novell, et al., 2015, Ultrasound imaging using CMUT- Techniques developed in the frame of the ANR BBMUT project, IRBM - Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, 36, 126-132.
51. M. Lenge, A. Ramalli, P. Tortoli, C. Cachard & H. Liebgott, 2015, Plane-Wave Transverse Oscillation for High Frame Rate 2-D Vector Flow Imaging", IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 62, 2126 - 2137.
52. S. Li, B. Montcel, W. Y. Liu, Z. Yuan & D. Vray, 2015, Multigrid-based reconstruction algorithm for quantitative photoacoustic tomography, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(7), 2424- 2434.
53. F. Lin, C. Cachard, F. Varray & O. Basset, 2015, Generalization of Multi-pulse Transmission Techniques for Ultrasound Imaging, Ultrasonic Imaging, 37( 4), 294-311, 2015 .
54. S. Salles, A. Chee, D. Garcia, A. Yu, D. Vray & H. Liebgott, 2015, 2D Arterial wall motion imaging using ultrafast ultrasound and transverse oscillations, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62(6), 1047-1058.
55. S. Salles, H. Liebgott, D. Garcia & D. Vray, 2015, Full 3D transverse oscillations: a method for tissue motion estimation, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62(8).
56. M. Toulemonde, O. Basset, P. Tortoli & C. Cachard, 2015, Thomson’s multitaper approach combined with coherent plane-wave compounding to reduce speckle in ultrasound imaging, Ultrasonics, 56, 390-398.
57. L. Wang, A. Basarab, P. R. Girard, P. Croisille, P. Clarysse & P. Delachartre, 2015, Analytic signal phase-based myocardial motion estimation in tagged MRI sequences by a bilinear model and motion compensation, Medical Image Analysis, 24(1), 149-162.
58. G. Zahnd, S. Balocco, A. Sérusclat, P. Moulin, M. Orkisz & D. Vray, 2015, Progressive attenuation of the longitudinal kinetics in the common carotid artery: preliminary in vivo assessment, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 41(1), 339-345.
59. G. Zahnd, S. Salles, A. Serusclat, P. Moulin, H. Liebgott & D. Vray, 2015, Real-time ultrasound-tagging to track the 2D motion of the common carotid artery wall in vivo, Medical Physics, 42, 820-830.
60. Albouy, P., Lévêque, Y., Hyde, K., Bouchet, P., Tillmann, B., & Caclin, A., 2015, Boosting pitch encoding with audiovisual interactions in congenital amusia, Neuropsychologia, 67, 111-120.
61. Albouy, P., Mattout, J., Sanchez, G., Tillmann, B., & Caclin, A., 2015, Altered retrieval of melodic information in congenital amusia: Insights from Dynamic Causal Modeling of MEG data. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 20.
62. Bellier L., Veuillet E., Vesson J.F., Bouchet P., Caclin A., & Thai-Van H., 2015, Speech Auditory Brainstem Response through hearing aid stimulation, Hearing Research, 325, 49-54.
63. Bellier, L., Bouchet, P., Jeanvoine, A., Valentin, O., Thai-Van, H. & Caclin, A., 2015, Topographic recordings of auditory evoked potentials to speech: sub-cortical and cortical responses, Psychophysiology, 52, 594-599.
64. Bidet-Caulet, A., Bottemanne, L., Fonteneau, C., Giard, M.H., Bertrand, O., 2015, Brain dynamics of distractibility: interaction between top-down and bottom-up mechanisms of auditory attention, Brain Topogr., 28(3), 423-36.
65. Castro, M., Tillmann, B., Luauté, J., Corneyllie, A., Dailler, F., André-Obadia, N., Perrin, F., 2015, Boosting cognition with music in patients with disorders of consciousness. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8), 734-742.
66. Heine, L., Castro, M., Martial, C., Tillmann, B., Laureys, S., Perrin, F., 2015, Exploration of functional connectivity during preferred music stimulation in patients with disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research 6, 1704.
67. Lecaignard, F., Bertrand, O., Gimenez, G., Mattout, J., & Caclin, A., 2015, Implicit learning of predictable sound sequences modulates mismatch responses at different levels of the auditory hierarchy, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 505.
68. Mathias, B., Palmer, C., Perrin, F. & Tillmann, B., 2015, Sensorimotor learning enhances expectations during auditory perception. Cerebral cortex, 25(8):2238-54.#
69. Moulin, A., Pauzie, A., Richard, C., 2015, Validation of a French translation of the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and comparison with other language versions. International Journal of Audiology, 54(12), 889-98.
70. Moulin, A., Richard, C., 2015, Lexical Influences on Spoken Spondaic Word Recognition in Hearing-Impaired Patients. Front. Neurosci., 9, 476.
71. Perrin, F., Castro, M., Tillmann, B., Luauté, J., 2015, Promoting the use of personally-relevant stimuli for investigating patients with disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research 6, 1102.
72. Tillmann, B., Albouy, P. & Caclin, A., 2015, Congenital amusias. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 129, 589-605.
73. Van Vugt, F. T. & Tillmann, B., 2015, Time-locked auditory feedback benefits short term motor learning. Brain Research, 1606, 54-67.
74. Boutin, Claude; Royer, Pascale, 2015, On models of double porosity poroelastic media, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 203, 1694-1725.
75. Gourdon, E.; Sauzeat, C.; Di Benedetto, H.; Bilodeau, K., 2015, Seven-Parameter Linear Viscoelastic Model Applied to Acoustical Damping Materials, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 137, 061003.
76. Koffi, Juslin, El Mankibi, Mohamed, Gourdon, Emmanuel, Issoglio, Riccardo, 2015, Assessment of single-sided ventilation with acoustic shutters on windows, BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 689-700.
77. Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J. -J., Friswell, M. I., 2015, Polynomial chaos expansion in structural dynamics: Accelerating the convergence of the first two statistical moment sequences, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 356, 144-154.
78. Chronopoulos, D., Antoniadis, I., Collet, M., Ichchou, M., 2015, Enhancement of wave damping within metamaterials having embedded negative stiffness inclusions, WAVE MOTION, 58, 165-179.
79. Mrabet, Elyes, Guedri, Mohamed, Ichchou, Mohamed, Ghanmi, Samir, 2015, New approaches in reliability based optimization of tuned mass damper in presence of uncertain bounded parameters, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 355, 93-116.
80. Bitar, Diala, Kacem, Najib, Bouhaddi, Noureddine, Collet, Manuel, 2015, Collective dynamics of periodic nonlinear oscillators under simultaneous parametric and external excitations, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 82, 749-766.
81. Troian, Renata, Gillot, Frederic, Besset, Sebastien, 2015, Adjoint sensitivity related to geometric frequency range vibroacoustics, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 52, 803-811.
82. Nechak, L., Gillot, F., Besset, S., Sinou, J-J, 2015, Sensitivity analysis and Kriging based models for robust stability analysis of brake systems, MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 69, 136-145.
83. Foulard, S., Rinderknecht, S., Ichchou, M., Perret-Liaudet, J., 2015, Automotive drivetrain model for transmission damage prediction, MECHATRONICS, 30, 27-54.
84. Foulard, S., Ichchou, M., Rinderknecht, S., Perret-Liaudet, J., 2015, Online and real-time monitoring system for remaining service life estimation of automotive transmissions - Application to a manual transmission, MECHATRONICS, 30, 140-157.
85. Chesnais, Celine, Boutin, Claude, Hans, Stephane, 2015, Wave propagation and non-local effects in periodic frame materials: Generalized continuum mechanics, MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 20, 929-958.
86. Garambois, Pierre, Besset, Sebastien, Jezequel, Louis, 2015, Various double component mode synthesis and sub-structuring methods for dynamic mixed FEM, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS, 53, 196-219.
87. Chesnais, C., Boutin, C., Hans, S., 2015, Effects of the local resonance in bending on the longitudinal vibrations of reticulated beams, WAVE MOTION, 57, 1-22.
88. Lamarque, C. -H., Savadkoohi, A. Ture, 2015, Targeted energy transfer between a system with a set of Saint-Venant elements and a nonlinear energy sink, CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS, 27, 819-833.
89. Sinou, J. -J., Didier, J., Faverjon, B., 2015, Stochastic non-linear response of a flexible rotor with local non-linearities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS, 74, 92-99.
90. Kharrat, M., Ichchou, M. N., Bareille, O., Zhou, W., 2015, Wave Diffusion Sensitivity to Angular Positions of Defects in Pipes, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS, 23, 1550013.
91. Mrabet, E., Guedri, M., Ichchou, M. N., Ghanmi, S., 2015, Stochastic structural and reliability based optimization of tuned mass damper, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 60-61, 437-451.
92. Zhou, C. W., Laine, J. P., Ichchou, M. N., Zine, A. M., 2015, Multi-scale modelling for two- dimensional periodic structures using a combined mode/wave based approach, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 154, 145-162.
93. Tateo, F., Collet, M., Ouisse, M., Ichchou, M. N., Cunefare, K. A., Abbe, P., 2015, Experimental characterization of a bi-dimensional array of negative capacitance piezo- patches for vibroacoustic control, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 26, 952-964.
94. Zhang, K., Scorletti, G., Ichchou, M., Mieyeville, F., 2015, Quantitative robust linear parameter varying H-infinity vibration control of flexible structures for saving the control energy, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 26, 1006-1027.
95. Fazio, O., Nacivet, S., Sinou, J-.J., 2015, Reduction strategy for a brake system with local frictional non-linearities - Application for the prediction of unstable vibration modes, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 91, 12-24.
96. Zhou, C. W., Laine, J. P., Ichchou, M. N., Zine, A. M., 2015, Wave Finite Element Method Based on Reduced Model for One-Dimensional Periodic Structures, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 7, 1550018.
97. Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J. -J., Friswell, M. I., 2015, Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Steady-State Response of a Class of Random Dynamical Systems, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 141, 04014145.
98. Boutin, Claude, Becot, Francois Xavier, 2015, Theory and experiments on poro-acoustics with inner resonators, WAVE MOTION, 54, 76-99.
99. Boutin, Claude, Schwan, Logan, Dietz, Matthew S., 2015, Elastodynamic metasurface: Depolarization of mechanical waves and time effects, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 117, 064902.
100. Chronopoulos, Dimitrios, Collet, Manuel, Ichchou, Mohamed, 2015, Damping Enhancement of Composite Panels by Inclusion of Shunted Piezoelectric Patches: A Wave- Based Modelling Approach, MATERIALS, 8, 815-828.
101. Serra, Q., Ichchou, M.N., Deü, J.-F., 2015, On the use of transfer approaches to predict the vibroacoustic response of poroelastic media, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 23.
102. Serra, Q., Ichchou, M. N., Deü, J. -F., 2015, Wave properties in poroelastic media using a Wave Finite Element Method, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 335, 125-146.
103. Ben Souf, Mohamed Amine, Ichchou, Mohamed, Bareille, Olivier, Bouhaddi, Noureddine, Haddar, Mohamed, 2015, Dynamics of random coupled structures through the wave finite element method, ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, 32, 2020-2045.
104. Nechak, Lyes, Gillot, Frederic, Besset, Sebastien, Sinou, Jean-Jacques, 2015, Surrogate models for efficient stability analysis of brake systems, 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DAMAGE ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURES (DAMAS 2015), Journal of Physics Conference Series, 628, 012075.
105. Nguyen, V. -N., Baguet, S., Lamarque, C. -H., Dufour, R., 2015, Bifurcation-based micro-/nanoelectromechanical mass detection, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 79, 647-662.
106. Sinou, J-J, Jacquelin, E., 2015, Influence of Polynomial Chaos expansion order on an uncertain asymmetric rotor system response, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 50-51, 718-731.
107. Soobbarayen, K., Besset, S., Sinou, J-J, 2015, A simplified approach for the calculation of acoustic emission in the case of friction-induced noise and vibration, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 50-51, 732-756.
108. Mohammed, Arshed Abdulhamed, Hans, Sallehuddin Mohamed, Nuawi, Mohd Zaki, 2015, Using the pressure transmission coefficient of a transmitted wave to evaluate some of the mechanical properties of refractory metals, ULTRASONICS, 55, 133-140.
109. Majdoub, F., Perret-Liaudet, J., Belin, M. & Martin, J.M., 2015, Decaying law for the free oscillating response with a pseudo-polynomial friction law: Analysis of a superlow lubricated friction test. Journal of Sound and Vibration 348, 263–281.
110. Carbonelli, A., Perret-Liaudet, J., Rigaud, E. & Barday, D., 2015, Robust optimization of a truck timing gear cascade: Numerical and experimental results. SIA Technical Paper R- 2015-07-12.
111. M. Weiss, M. Chenia, A. Ture Savadkoohi, B. Vaurigaud, C.H. Lamarque, Hammouda, A., 2015, Multi-scale energy exchanges between an elasto-plastic oscillator and a light nonsmooth system with external pre-stress, Nonlinear Dynamics, in Press, 2015.
112. C. H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, 2015, Localization of vibratory energy of main linear/nonlinear structural systems by nonlinear energy sink, Springer Proceedings in Physics 168, pp. 201-233, 2015.
113. C.H. Lamarque, F Thouverez, B. Rozier & Z. Dimitrijevic, 2015, Targeted energy transfer in a 2-DOF mechanical system coupled to a non-linear energy sink with varying stiffness, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/1077546315618540
114. L. Nechak, F. Gillot, S. Besset & J-J. Sinou, 2015, Sensitivity analysis and Kriging based models for robust stability analysis of brake systems, Mechanics Research Communications, 69, 13-145.
62. Bellier L., Veuillet E., Vesson J.F., Bouchet P., Caclin A., & Thai-Van H., 2015, Speech Auditory Brainstem Response through hearing aid stimulation, Hearing Research, 325, 49-54.
63. Bellier, L., Bouchet, P., Jeanvoine, A., Valentin, O., Thai-Van, H. & Caclin, A., 2015, Topographic recordings of auditory evoked potentials to speech: sub-cortical and cortical responses, Psychophysiology, 52, 594-599.
64. Bidet-Caulet, A., Bottemanne, L., Fonteneau, C., Giard, M.H., Bertrand, O., 2015, Brain dynamics of distractibility: interaction between top-down and bottom-up mechanisms of auditory attention, Brain Topogr., 28(3), 423-36.
65. Castro, M., Tillmann, B., Luauté, J., Corneyllie, A., Dailler, F., André-Obadia, N., Perrin, F., 2015, Boosting cognition with music in patients with disorders of consciousness. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29(8), 734-742.
66. Heine, L., Castro, M., Martial, C., Tillmann, B., Laureys, S., Perrin, F., 2015, Exploration of functional connectivity during preferred music stimulation in patients with disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research 6, 1704.
67. Lecaignard, F., Bertrand, O., Gimenez, G., Mattout, J., & Caclin, A., 2015, Implicit learning of predictable sound sequences modulates mismatch responses at different levels of the auditory hierarchy, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 505.
68. Mathias, B., Palmer, C., Perrin, F. & Tillmann, B., 2015, Sensorimotor learning enhances expectations during auditory perception. Cerebral cortex, 25(8):2238-54.#
69. Moulin, A., Pauzie, A., Richard, C., 2015, Validation of a French translation of the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and comparison with other language versions. International Journal of Audiology, 54(12), 889-98.
70. Moulin, A., Richard, C., 2015, Lexical Influences on Spoken Spondaic Word Recognition in Hearing-Impaired Patients. Front. Neurosci., 9, 476.
71. Perrin, F., Castro, M., Tillmann, B., Luauté, J., 2015, Promoting the use of personally-relevant stimuli for investigating patients with disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research 6, 1102.
72. Tillmann, B., Albouy, P. & Caclin, A., 2015, Congenital amusias. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 129, 589-605.
73. Van Vugt, F. T. & Tillmann, B., 2015, Time-locked auditory feedback benefits short term motor learning. Brain Research, 1606, 54-67.
74. Boutin, Claude; Royer, Pascale, 2015, On models of double porosity poroelastic media, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 203, 1694-1725.
75. Gourdon, E.; Sauzeat, C.; Di Benedetto, H.; Bilodeau, K., 2015, Seven-Parameter Linear Viscoelastic Model Applied to Acoustical Damping Materials, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 137, 061003.
76. Koffi, Juslin, El Mankibi, Mohamed, Gourdon, Emmanuel, Issoglio, Riccardo, 2015, Assessment of single-sided ventilation with acoustic shutters on windows, BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 689-700.
77. Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J. -J., Friswell, M. I., 2015, Polynomial chaos expansion in structural dynamics: Accelerating the convergence of the first two statistical moment sequences, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 356, 144-154.
78. Chronopoulos, D., Antoniadis, I., Collet, M., Ichchou, M., 2015, Enhancement of wave damping within metamaterials having embedded negative stiffness inclusions, WAVE MOTION, 58, 165-179.
79. Mrabet, Elyes, Guedri, Mohamed, Ichchou, Mohamed, Ghanmi, Samir, 2015, New approaches in reliability based optimization of tuned mass damper in presence of uncertain bounded parameters, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 355, 93-116.
80. Bitar, Diala, Kacem, Najib, Bouhaddi, Noureddine, Collet, Manuel, 2015, Collective dynamics of periodic nonlinear oscillators under simultaneous parametric and external excitations, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 82, 749-766.
81. Troian, Renata, Gillot, Frederic, Besset, Sebastien, 2015, Adjoint sensitivity related to geometric frequency range vibroacoustics, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 52, 803-811.
82. Nechak, L., Gillot, F., Besset, S., Sinou, J-J, 2015, Sensitivity analysis and Kriging based models for robust stability analysis of brake systems, MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 69, 136-145.
83. Foulard, S., Rinderknecht, S., Ichchou, M., Perret-Liaudet, J., 2015, Automotive drivetrain model for transmission damage prediction, MECHATRONICS, 30, 27-54.
84. Foulard, S., Ichchou, M., Rinderknecht, S., Perret-Liaudet, J., 2015, Online and real-time monitoring system for remaining service life estimation of automotive transmissions - Application to a manual transmission, MECHATRONICS, 30, 140-157.
85. Chesnais, Celine, Boutin, Claude, Hans, Stephane, 2015, Wave propagation and non-local effects in periodic frame materials: Generalized continuum mechanics, MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 20, 929-958.
86. Garambois, Pierre, Besset, Sebastien, Jezequel, Louis, 2015, Various double component mode synthesis and sub-structuring methods for dynamic mixed FEM, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS, 53, 196-219.
87. Chesnais, C., Boutin, C., Hans, S., 2015, Effects of the local resonance in bending on the longitudinal vibrations of reticulated beams, WAVE MOTION, 57, 1-22.
88. Lamarque, C. -H., Savadkoohi, A. Ture, 2015, Targeted energy transfer between a system with a set of Saint-Venant elements and a nonlinear energy sink, CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS, 27, 819-833.
89. Sinou, J. -J., Didier, J., Faverjon, B., 2015, Stochastic non-linear response of a flexible rotor with local non-linearities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS, 74, 92-99.
90. Kharrat, M., Ichchou, M. N., Bareille, O., Zhou, W., 2015, Wave Diffusion Sensitivity to Angular Positions of Defects in Pipes, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS, 23, 1550013.
91. Mrabet, E., Guedri, M., Ichchou, M. N., Ghanmi, S., 2015, Stochastic structural and reliability based optimization of tuned mass damper, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 60-61, 437-451.
92. Zhou, C. W., Laine, J. P., Ichchou, M. N., Zine, A. M., 2015, Multi-scale modelling for two- dimensional periodic structures using a combined mode/wave based approach, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 154, 145-162.
93. Tateo, F., Collet, M., Ouisse, M., Ichchou, M. N., Cunefare, K. A., Abbe, P., 2015, Experimental characterization of a bi-dimensional array of negative capacitance piezo- patches for vibroacoustic control, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 26, 952-964.
94. Zhang, K., Scorletti, G., Ichchou, M., Mieyeville, F., 2015, Quantitative robust linear parameter varying H-infinity vibration control of flexible structures for saving the control energy, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 26, 1006-1027.
95. Fazio, O., Nacivet, S., Sinou, J-.J., 2015, Reduction strategy for a brake system with local frictional non-linearities - Application for the prediction of unstable vibration modes, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 91, 12-24.
96. Zhou, C. W., Laine, J. P., Ichchou, M. N., Zine, A. M., 2015, Wave Finite Element Method Based on Reduced Model for One-Dimensional Periodic Structures, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 7, 1550018.
97. Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J. -J., Friswell, M. I., 2015, Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Steady-State Response of a Class of Random Dynamical Systems, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 141, 04014145.
98. Boutin, Claude, Becot, Francois Xavier, 2015, Theory and experiments on poro-acoustics with inner resonators, WAVE MOTION, 54, 76-99.
99. Boutin, Claude, Schwan, Logan, Dietz, Matthew S., 2015, Elastodynamic metasurface: Depolarization of mechanical waves and time effects, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 117, 064902.
100. Chronopoulos, Dimitrios, Collet, Manuel, Ichchou, Mohamed, 2015, Damping Enhancement of Composite Panels by Inclusion of Shunted Piezoelectric Patches: A Wave- Based Modelling Approach, MATERIALS, 8, 815-828.
101. Serra, Q., Ichchou, M.N., Deü, J.-F., 2015, On the use of transfer approaches to predict the vibroacoustic response of poroelastic media, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 23.
102. Serra, Q., Ichchou, M. N., Deü, J. -F., 2015, Wave properties in poroelastic media using a Wave Finite Element Method, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 335, 125-146.
103. Ben Souf, Mohamed Amine, Ichchou, Mohamed, Bareille, Olivier, Bouhaddi, Noureddine, Haddar, Mohamed, 2015, Dynamics of random coupled structures through the wave finite element method, ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, 32, 2020-2045.
104. Nechak, Lyes, Gillot, Frederic, Besset, Sebastien, Sinou, Jean-Jacques, 2015, Surrogate models for efficient stability analysis of brake systems, 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DAMAGE ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURES (DAMAS 2015), Journal of Physics Conference Series, 628, 012075.
105. Nguyen, V. -N., Baguet, S., Lamarque, C. -H., Dufour, R., 2015, Bifurcation-based micro-/nanoelectromechanical mass detection, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 79, 647-662.
106. Sinou, J-J, Jacquelin, E., 2015, Influence of Polynomial Chaos expansion order on an uncertain asymmetric rotor system response, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 50-51, 718-731.
107. Soobbarayen, K., Besset, S., Sinou, J-J, 2015, A simplified approach for the calculation of acoustic emission in the case of friction-induced noise and vibration, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 50-51, 732-756.
108. Mohammed, Arshed Abdulhamed, Hans, Sallehuddin Mohamed, Nuawi, Mohd Zaki, 2015, Using the pressure transmission coefficient of a transmitted wave to evaluate some of the mechanical properties of refractory metals, ULTRASONICS, 55, 133-140.
109. Majdoub, F., Perret-Liaudet, J., Belin, M. & Martin, J.M., 2015, Decaying law for the free oscillating response with a pseudo-polynomial friction law: Analysis of a superlow lubricated friction test. Journal of Sound and Vibration 348, 263–281.
110. Carbonelli, A., Perret-Liaudet, J., Rigaud, E. & Barday, D., 2015, Robust optimization of a truck timing gear cascade: Numerical and experimental results. SIA Technical Paper R- 2015-07-12.
111. M. Weiss, M. Chenia, A. Ture Savadkoohi, B. Vaurigaud, C.H. Lamarque, Hammouda, A., 2015, Multi-scale energy exchanges between an elasto-plastic oscillator and a light nonsmooth system with external pre-stress, Nonlinear Dynamics, in Press, 2015.
112. C. H. Lamarque, A. Ture Savadkoohi, 2015, Localization of vibratory energy of main linear/nonlinear structural systems by nonlinear energy sink, Springer Proceedings in Physics 168, pp. 201-233, 2015.
113. C.H. Lamarque, F Thouverez, B. Rozier & Z. Dimitrijevic, 2015, Targeted energy transfer in a 2-DOF mechanical system coupled to a non-linear energy sink with varying stiffness, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/1077546315618540
114. L. Nechak, F. Gillot, S. Besset & J-J. Sinou, 2015, Sensitivity analysis and Kriging based models for robust stability analysis of brake systems, Mechanics Research Communications, 69, 13-145.